Building an Early Access Site with DevCycle's EdgeDB & Directus Flows

When launching a new app, creating an early buzz is crucial. A well-crafted early access program can be the key to this. The challenge? Providing exclusive onboarding content to new users, while also securing their private data and building a foundation for scalability. Enter DevCycle and Directus.

Building an Early Access Site with DevCycle's EdgeDB & Directus Flows
Building an Early Access Site with DevCycle's EdgeDB & Directus Flows

When launching a new app, creating an early buzz is crucial. A well-crafted early access program can be the key to this. The challenge? Providing exclusive onboarding content to new users, while also securing their private data and building a foundation for scalability. This is where Directus and DevCycle come into play, offering a powerful solution.

The Stack

  • Directus: Used as a headless CMS for content management and implementing automations via flows for future changes.
  • Netlify: Hosts a serverless 11ty landing page, facilitating product updates and user signup through GitHub OAuth.
  • DevCycle: Manages feature flags via EdgeDB to control access to exclusive early access content, ensuring targeted user experiences.

The Goal

By following this tutorial, you'll be able to leverage the power of Directus for content management and DevCycle for user access control. This approach not only simplifies the early access process but also sets a solid foundation for future growth and content management in your app.

Why Directus and DevCycle?

Directus is a versatile headless CMS with a powerful built-in flows feature, allowing for a wide range of automated workflows and integrations. Thanks to its powerful SDKs and API Directus could easily control user gating, but this would involve storing user data, a requirement that would necessitate comprehensive planning that may be out of scope in the early stages of a project.

By leveraging DevCycle's specialized capabilities for efficient and scalable user access management with minimal data collection, particularly via EdgeDB, we can streamline the process of gating content while keeping Directus's potential for advanced functionality (and user management) via flows accessible for future developments.

Getting Started​

To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following:

Deploy Directus on Railway πŸ›€οΈ

  1. Create a free Railway Account
  2. Deploy the Directus Railway Template
  3. Copy the URL to πŸ““

Important Notes:

  1. You must use a real email address when setting the admin email (i.e. @test.test will not work)
  2. Your password will be found in the environment variables

Step 1: Setup Your DevCycle Project

Setting up a DevCycle project with EdgeDBβ€”a high-performance, globally replicated edge storage solutionβ€”enabled, streamlines the management of authenticated user membership data, ensuring swift access for content gating within our serverless 11ty application.

1a. Create a New Project

  • Set Name to something like Early Access Site
  • Ensure EdgeDB is set to Enabled - user properties will be saved at edge

1b. Create a New Feature

  • Set the Feature Type to Permission
    • Set Feature Name to Early Access
    • Set Initial Variable Key to early-access and type to boolean

1c. Create a Custom Property

  • Navigate to the Development targeting rules
  • Rename the first rule called Internal Users to Early Access Users
  • In the definition section, select the User Email dropdown and click the Add Property button.
    • Set Property Key as as earlyAccess
    • Set Property Type as boolean
  • The User Email dropdown should now be showing earlyAccess

1d. Define Initial Targeting Rules

  • Set the Definition to earlyAccess exists as seen in the screenshot below.
A preview of what the Targetting Rules should look like if you've properly followed 1d

1e. Copy DevCycle SDK Keys

  • Navigate to the Code Sample area and set the drop-downs to:
    • Environment: Development
    • SDK Language: NodeJS - Javascript - Server
    • Variable: early-access
  • Click the Key icon (πŸ”‘) and copy the Server SDK key to πŸ““
A preview of what the Code Sample setup should look like if you've properly followed 1e

Step 2. Setup Directus

This Directus setup enables two features. Via Step 2a, we set the initial Product News which will appear on the secure newsfeed page of the early access site. Via Step 2d, we enable the flow (i.e. automation) that will enable the updating of DevCycle's EdgeDB with user data.

2a. Create a New Collection

  • Set Name to product_news (all lowercase)
  • Select the Date Created (i.e. created_on ) checkbox
  • Create an Input field with the key title
  • Create a Text Area field with the key description
A preview of what the Product News collection should look like if you've properly followed 2a

2b. Create a New Content Item in the Collection

  • Set title to Introducing Our Revolutionary New Product!
  • Set description to:
Experience the future of innovation with our latest product! Designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life, this groundbreaking solution offers unmatched efficiency and ease of use. With state-of-the-art technology at its core, it addresses all your needs in a way never seen before. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to be amazed by what's coming!
A preview of what the first content item should look like if you've properly followed 2b

2c. Set Public API Permissions

  • Set Read Access Control Permission for product_news collection on the Public API to All Access as seen in the screenshot below.
A preview of what Public API Access Controls should look like if you've properly followed 2c

2d. Create a DevCycle to Directus Flow

  • Set Name to Directus to DevCycle
  • Set Status to Active
  • Set Trigger to Webhook (Triggers on an incoming HTTP request)
    • Set Method to POST
  • Create an Operation Webhook/Request URL (Make a request to a URL)
    • Set Method to PATCH
    • Set URL to{{$trigger.body.user.login}}
    • Create a new header:
      • Set Title to Authorization
      • Set Value to your DevCycle Server SDK from πŸ““
    • Create another header
      • Set Title to Content-Type
      • Set Value to application/json
    • Set the request body to:
  "user_id": "{{$trigger.body.user.login}}",
    "earlyAccess": true
A preview of what the Webhook Operation should look like if you've properly followed 2d
  • Save the flow then copy the flow Trigger Webhook URL to πŸ““

Step 3: Setup 11ty on Netlify

The 11ty Framework provides us with a maintainable structure for our Early Access site, with your GitHub oAuth providing a secure authentication system for users looking to access product updates.

3a. Deploy the Serverless 11ty template to Netlify

GitHub - DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus
Contribute to DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus development by creating an account on GitHub.

Companion Repository for this DevCycle and Directus Early Access Site Tutorial

  • Input the following information when prompted:
    • The content API url for your Directus Instance:
      • <YOUR_DIRECTUS_SITE_URL>/items/product_news
    • The trigger webhook endpoint for your Directus Instance
      • Trigger Webhook URL from πŸ““
    • Your DevCycle Projects Server SDK Key:
      • Server SDK key from πŸ““
    • Your GitHub 0Auth Application Client ID
      • OAuth Application from πŸ““.
    • Your GitHub 0Auth Application Client Secret
      • OAuth Application Secret from πŸ““
  • Wait for your Netlify application to build & deploy (approximately 2 mins).
    • Copy your new Netlify application URL to πŸ““.
  • Head back to your GitHub OAuth Application and update the following:
    • Homepage URL: <YOUR_NETLIFY_APP_URL>
    • Callback URL: <YOUR_NETLIFY_APP_URL>/.netlify/functions/auth-callback
  • Re-deploy your Netlify application.
If you don't redeploy your Netlify application after updating your GitHub OAuth Application, the process outline here will not work.
A preview of what the initial landing page should look like if you've properly followed 3a

Step 4: Test the Integration

4a. Attempt to Sign-in to the Members Area

  • Navigate to your Early Access Site Landing Page
  • Click the Sign in button in the upper right hand corner.
  • If you have set things up correctly you should be prompted to authorize your GitHub OAuth Application.
  • You should then be redirected to the landing page with a danger notification (see below), which will also occur if you try to View Product News.
A preview of what the danger message you should see if you've properly followed 4a

4b Signup for Early Access

  • Click the Get Early Access button in the main banner.
  • You should see a success notification on the landing page (see below).
A preview of what the danger message you should see if you've properly followed 4a

4c. Try to Login to Members Portal Again

  • Click on the View Product News button in the top navbar or attempt to visit the <YOUR_NETLIFY_SITE_URL>/secure/ route.
  • You should be directed to a new page with the heading "News from the Team" and you will see the product_news item that you added on Directus.
A preview of the Early Access Newsfeed you should see if you've properly followed 4c
Congratulations! You have successful setup an early access landing page using DevCycle EdgeDB and Directus Flows.

How does it all work?

Our Early Access Serverless 11ty website is fairly simple and contains two pages:

The power of this application lies in the serverless Netlify functions found in devcycle.js and directus.js, and how index.js uses these functions to send user information to Directus (and ultimately to DevCycle) and to limit access to the Early Access Newsfeed page.


devcycle-directus/netlify/functions/util/devcycle.js at main Β· DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus
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The runDevCycle function is called in the index.js file on each page load. When called, it initializes the DevCycle SDK, creating a user object with the authenticated users GitHub username, then checking to see whether the user should have early access based on the targeting rules set in DevCycle.

// Import the DevCycle server SDK to interact with DevCycle's feature management platform.
const DVC = require("@devcycle/nodejs-server-sdk");

// Initialize a variable to hold the DevCycle client instance. This will be set when the runDevCycle function is called.
let devcycleClient = null;

 * Initializes the DevCycle client and checks if the "early-access" feature is enabled for a given user.
 * @param {Object} authUser - The authenticated user object, expected to contain a login attribute.
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} - A promise that resolves to the boolean value indicating whether the "early-access" feature is enabled.
async function runDevCycle(authUser) {
  // Initialize the DevCycle client with your server SDK key and configuration options.
  // The SDK key is read from an environment variable for security.
  // enableCloudBucketing and enableEdgeDB are set to true for enhanced feature flag evaluation.
  devcycleClient = DVC.initializeDevCycle(process.env.DEVCYCLE_SERVER_SDK_KEY, {
    enableCloudBucketing: true,
    enableEdgeDB: true,

  // Define a user object for the DevCycle SDK to identify the current user.
  // Here, the user's ID is set to the login attribute of the authUser object.
  const user = {
    user_id: `${authUser.login}`,

  // Retrieve the value of the "early-access" feature flag for the defined user.
  // The third argument (false) is the default value if the flag's value can't be determined.
  const earlyAccess = await devcycleClient.variable(

  // Return the actual value of the "early-access" feature flag for the user.
  return earlyAccess.value;

// Export the runDevCycle function to make it available for import in other files.
module.exports = { runDevCycle };


devcycle-directus/netlify/functions/util/directus.js at main Β· DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus
Contribute to DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus development by creating an account on GitHub.

The sendWebhook function is called in auth-callback (part of the GitHub 0Auth authentication flow) and sends the authenticated users publicly available GitHub user information through to the Directus flow via the Webhook trigger we setup. This (in turn) is the information which we send via the flow to DevCycle's EdgeDB.

The getNews function is called in the index.js file on every page load. This pulls the latest updates from the product_news collection in the Directus instance.

// Import the Axios library for making HTTP requests.
const axios = require("axios");
// Import the EleventyFetch plugin from the Eleventy static site generator.
// This is used for caching and fetching data.
const EleventyFetch = require("@11ty/eleventy-fetch");
// Retrieve the Directus CMS content API endpoint from environment variables.
const directusApiEndpoint = process.env.DIRECTUS_CONTENT_API_ENDPOINT;
// Retrieve the webhook URL from environment variables, used to trigger an external service.
const webhookUrl = process.env.DIRECTUS_TRIGGER_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT;

 * Sends a webhook request to an external service with the user data.
 * @param {Object} user - The user data to send with the webhook request.
async function sendWebhook(user) {
  try {
    // Use Axios to send a POST request to the webhook URL with the user data.
    const response = await, { user });
    console.log("Success sending webhook request:");
  } catch (error) {
    // Log an error message if the request fails.
    console.error("Error sending webhook request:", error);

 * Fetches the latest news data from the Directus CMS content API.
 * @returns {Promise<Object>} - The news data as JSON, or an empty object on failure.
async function getNews() {
  let url = directusApiEndpoint; // The URL to fetch news from, using the Directus API endpoint.
  try {
    // Use EleventyFetch to retrieve news data, with caching for 60 seconds.
    // This reduces the number of API requests by storing the results temporarily.
    let response = await EleventyFetch(url, {
      duration: "60s", // Cache the data for 60 seconds.
      type: "json", // Expect the response to be JSON.
      directory: "/tmp/.cache/", // Cache directory path.
    console.log("Success Fetching News!");
    return response; // Return the fetched news data.
  } catch (error) {
    // Log an error message if fetching the news fails and return an empty object.
    console.error("News Fetch error:", error.message);
    return {}; 

// Export the sendWebhook and getNews functions to make them available for import in other files.
module.exports = { sendWebhook, getNews };


devcycle-directus/netlify/functions/dynamic/index.js at main Β· DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus
Contribute to DevCycleHQ-Sandbox/devcycle-directus development by creating an account on GitHub.

While index.js is also where we define our authentication logic, for the purpose of this post we will focus only on the code related to DevCycle and Directus.

First up (starting on line 31) we call the runDevCycle function which returns the result of whether an authenticated user should have access to gated content (i.e. our Secure page) as either true or false.


// Declare a variable to store the early access status.
let earlyAccess;

try {
  // Attempt to run the runDevCycle function with the user object.
  // This function checks if the user is signed up for early access by interacting
  // with the DevCycle feature management platform.
  earlyAccess = await runDevCycle(user);
  // Log the result to the console. If earlyAccess is true, it means the user
  // has access to early features. Otherwise, they do not.
  console.log("Signed up for early access?", earlyAccess);
} catch (e) {
  // If there's an error during the check (e.g., network issues, incorrect setup),
  // log the error message to the console. This helps in diagnosing what went wrong.
  console.log("Early Access Check Error", e);


Following this (starting on line 48) we call the getNews function updating the Early Access Newsfeed page with the latest content from the Product News collection on Directus.


// Declare a variable to hold the fetched news data.
let news;

try {
  // Attempt to fetch news data using the getNews function.
  // This function is designed to retrieve news from a specified source,
  // such as an API endpoint defined in the getNews function.
  // The await keyword is used to wait for the asynchronous operation to complete,
  // meaning the next line of code won't execute until getNews has returned a result.
  news = await getNews();
  // If successful, the news variable will contain the fetched news data.
} catch (e) {
  // If an error occurs during the fetching process, it is caught here.
  // This could be due to network issues, the endpoint not responding,
  // or any other error thrown by the getNews function.
  // The error is logged to the console to help with debugging.
  console.log("Get News Error", e);


Then comes our gating functionality, which runs if either:

  • an unauthenticated user attempts to access the /secure route
  • an authenticated user who hasn't requested early access attempts to gain access to the /secure route and page,
// Check if the user does not have early access and is trying to access a secure page.
else if (earlyAccess == false && {
  // Define the URL to redirect users without early access.
  let redirectUrl = "/";
  // Return a response object to redirect the user to the homepage.
  // This uses a 302 status code, which indicates a temporary redirect.
  return {
    statusCode: 302, // HTTP status code for temporary redirect.
    headers: {
      Location: redirectUrl, // URL to redirect the user to.
      // Set a cookie to display a flash message about access restriction.
      // The cookie expires in 300 seconds (5 minutes) and is available site-wide.
      "Set-Cookie": `flashMessage=accessRestricted; Max-Age=300; Path=/;`,
      "Cache-Control": "no-cache", // Ensures the redirect response is not cached by the browser.
    body: "Redirecting...", // Message displayed during the redirection process.
// If the user has access or the page is not secure, return the page content.
return {
  statusCode: 200, // HTTP status code for OK.
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8", // Specify the content type of the response.
  body: page.content, // The HTML content of the page to be displayed.


In either case, it will redirect them back to the homepage with a flash message that prompts them to signup for early access by clicking the button in the banner. Only if runDevCycle returns true will the user be able to access the secure page.

What's next?

As part of the focus of this tutorial on saving minimal private user information in the early stages of your launch, the Directus flow you created will pass only basic user information to EdgeDB and will save no user information to Directus itself. That said, building a mailing list to contact your future users is a big part of the launch process, so once you are ready to start collecting user information (or if you would like to collect it straight away) you will need to update the flow.


Much of the serverless structure used in this tutorial comes from the 11ty teams A demo project using OAuth to secure some of your Eleventy Serverless routes.

GitHub - 11ty/demo-eleventy-serverless-oauth: A demo project using OAuth to secure some of your Eleventy Serverless routes.
A demo project using OAuth to secure some of your Eleventy Serverless routes. - GitHub - 11ty/demo-eleventy-serverless-oauth: A demo project using OAuth to secure some of your Eleventy Serverless r…

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