June 2024 Changelog

June 2024 Changelog
Photo by Anne Nygård / Unsplash

Welcome to our monthly changelog, where we share the latest feature updates and improvements from DevCycle. We're excited to bring you two significant updates that will enhance your feature management experience: OpenFeature Multi-Provider and the Web Debugger.

To see more of what's coming or to request new features you can check out our public roadmap.

📖 OpenFeature Multi-Provider: Unifying Multiple Providers

We're proud to announce our first contribution back to the OpenFeature community: the OpenFeature Multi-Provider. This new provider allows developers to access multiple OpenFeature providers through a unified interface, making it easier to manage flags from various sources.

Key benefits of the OpenFeature Multi-Provider:

  • Aggregation: Easily aggregate flags from multiple sources, simplifying your feature management workflow.
  • Customizable Strategies: Reconcile inconsistencies between providers using customizable strategies.
  • Fallback Values: Set fallback values for cloud providers, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Migration Support: Migrate from one provider to another while validating the migration's success.

To learn more about the OpenFeature Multi-Provider and explore its use cases, check out our OpenFeature blog post.

🐛 Web Debugger: Simplifying Manual Testing and QA

Introducing the Web Debugger, a powerful utility that you can embed in your website when using DevCycle. This feature makes manual testing and QA much easier by bringing overrides and event logging right into your website.

With the Web Debugger, authorized users can see the current state of their Variables in real-time, override Features using Self-Targeting to test different scenarios and monitor a stream of Events from the SDK as they occur.

To see the Web Debugger in action for yourself just implement it with a few lines of code into a local version of your website. For more information on setting up the Web Debugger on your website, refer to our Web Debugger documentation.

We're thrilled to bring you these exciting updates that will streamline your feature management process and provide you with powerful tools to enhance your development workflow.

As always, we value your feedback and would love to hear from you. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to make a feature request on our roadmap.

📺 Check out the Feature Focus Stream for June 2024